Our Safety Standards
Timberline Constructors Inc is committed to a safe, healthy, and drug-free work environment. Zero is always our goal for accidents and injuries. The onsite staff is responsible for coaching our subcontractors and vendors on safe work practices. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and is our goal all of the time. Timberline Constructors Inc will make safety a part of our quality and production.
Timberline Constructors Inc does not allow substance abuse on any project. Each contractor is responsible for having a workplace free of illegal drugs and alcohol. Timberline Constructors Inc reserves the right to test anyone for drugs and alcohol. In addition to drugs and alcohol, firearms and weapons are prohibited on every project.
Committed to Keeping Our Team Safe on the Job
Each contractor will be responsible for having a competent person. This person should be able to recognize hazards in the workplace and be able to take action to correct or abate any hazards.
Timberline Constructors Inc requires that each subcontractor have access to the on-site Hazard Communication Program with site-specific chemical inventory and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Each employee has the “Right-To-Know” where the HazCom Programs are located and be trained on hazardous chemicals that they encounter in the workplace. All chemicals should be properly labeled and stored per the HazCom Program.
Our Experience Modifier Rate is .90 | Our Recordable Incident Rate is 0
To learn more about our past projects, our safety standards, or to receive an estimate, please contact us today at 936-637-2666.